Friday, April 21, 2017

Week 12 Assignment #2


The more technology that we can introduce into our students lives the better. Most students see technology and know how to use it for one or two things. We need to be able to expand their knowledge of technology to go beyond social media.We need to teach them how to create digital books, digital brochures, design class webpages, etc. The more technological tools we provide them with now, the more equipped they will be further in their education. 

Candidate’s Name: Kylie Hubbard
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Title of the lesson: Creating a Digital Story
Length of the lesson: 3- 45 minutes sessions
Central focus: Students will create their own family story using a digital storybook.
Knowledge of students:
Students will use their knowledge of their family and writing about them.
Key questions:
  • Why is family important?
  • Is there only one “type” of family?
  • What are some of the different types?
  • What is a digital story?
Common Core State Standards

Conventions of Standard English:

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.

Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.
Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.
Support literacy development through language
●      Digital storybook, Create, Design, Move, Adjust, Text, Illustrations, Size. 
Sentence Level
●       Sentence structure will include: a subject, verb, and object.
●     Students will work to create their own family storybook
Learning objectives
  1. Students will be able to create their own digital storybook based on their family.
  2. Students will be able to use zoo characters from the CultureStreet to represent their family.
  3. Students will be able to share their storybooks with the class
Formal and Informal assessment
  • Were students able to navigate the digital storybook?
  • Were students able to use all the editing options on the site?
  • Were students able to share their storybooks?
Instructional procedure:
Day 1:
  1. The teacher will start the lesson by reviewing the key questions.
  2. The teacher will provide an example to the class.
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  1. The teacher will then inform the class that they too get to make their very own digital storybook.
  2. The teacher will demonstrate all the editing features. Adding characters, adding backgrounds, adding additional images, adding text, and how to adjust the text and images. Also, how to move an image to a desired location.
  3. Together, as a class, the students and the teachers will create a book together for their classroom family.
  4. The teacher will provide the website to the students via the Smart Board.
  5. Students will be instructed to familiarize themselves with the site, but not to create anything.
Day 2:
1.     As a class, we will review the previous days activities.
2.     Students will be instructed to access the website.
3.     Students will be instructed to begin their story: select the character you liked most from yesterday. Start adding text: using full sentences. Place images and text where it seems most fitting.
4.     When students are finished. The teacher will demonstrate how to save and print their storybooks on the Smart Board.
Day 3:
1.     As a class, we will review the previous two days activities.
2.     Students will be instructed to make final touches on their storybooks.
3.     Students will then print their final copies to turn in.
4.     Students will also share their storybook on the Smart Board

·       Computer
·       Internet
·       Smart Board
·       Projector
  • Were students able to create a digital storybook?
  • Were the students able to complete sentences?
  • Were students able to share their storybooks with class?


  1. I love the idea of the digital storybook. There are so many possibilities with these type of tools and I think it is a fun way to get to students to write and be creative.

  2. What a great lesson plan. I never heard of this site before. I made a digital book in one of my previous courses using UDL book. That was really awesome. I'm definitely going to look into this website as well.
