Friday, April 7, 2017

Week 10 Assignment #4 Lesson Plan

Candidate’s Name: Kylie Hubbard
Grade Level: 5
Title of the lesson: The Core of Writing
Length of the lesson: 45 Minutes

Central focus of this lesson is to recap the core elements of writing for any content area.

Key questions:
  • When do we use our writing skills?
  • Why do we always want to use our writing skills?
  • How can we draw on past writing experiences to strengthen our writing ability?
Knowledge of students to inform teaching: students will draw on their previous experiences in writing in various formats: journal, note taking, key phrases, etc.

Key questions:
  • Why do we think that journal writing is so important?
  • What can personal experiences can we use to influence our writing?

Sample: Key terms, direct quotes, ideas, view point ,supportive thinking.
Common Core State Standards:
Text Types and Purposes:
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose.
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
Production and Distribution of Writing:
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Support literacy development through language:
  • This lesson will clarify the importance of writing in multiple content areas.
  • Through this lesson, students will have a clearer understanding of how complex, yet satisfying writing can be.
·       Viewpoint, convey, textual evidence, direct quotes, and supportive thinking
Sentence Level
·       A subject, verb, and object.
·       Students will write a reflections to their understanding of writing
Learning objectives

1.     Students will be able to work together to establish a definition for: main idea, viewpoint, textual evidence and reasoning, direct quotes, and supportive thinking.
2.     Students, within a group, will be able to support a topic with concrete details and information.
3.     Students, within a group, will be able to support thinking and reflection about the text.
  1. Completed journal entries/reflections
  2. Sharing with the class their established definitions
  1. Ability to work within groups
  2. Group participation
Instructional procedure:
  1. The teacher will assign students to small groups of 4-5 students. Each student will be given a copy of Luis and Clark. Each student will be responsible for recording the author’s viewpoint, making personal connections, finding supportive quotes, and providing evidence of each aspect.
  2. One student will record each group member’s quote on a large piece of paper to share with the class.
  3. One student will record each group member’s viewpoint, another will record the personal connections, and another will record the provided evidence. And then share it with the class.
  4. As a class the students will take an aspect or “fact” from a different groups paper and create their own Luis and Clark  story. Again, using factual information gathered from the original text.
  5. I will work with the ENL group to create their documents.

Accommodations and modifications: ELLs/struggling readers: Visual and technology
The requirements of student IEP/504 plans will be followed to the letter.
ENL students will have translations available.
The teacher will assist any student who is having difficulty on a more individualized manner.
Students, who finish early, can utilize their understanding of writing a complex text by writing a short story about their summer plans.   
  1. Luis and Clark
  2. Journals
  3. Large pieces of paper to reflect on
  4. Pencils
  5. White Board
  • Did I allow enough time for the lesson?
  • Were students able to work in a group setting for this assignment?
  • Were instructions/objectives clear?


  1. I have one question: Did you modify the instructional procedure from the original lesson?

  2. I like your take on the lesson and how you focused on making the lesson a little more general so it could address multiple standards and different text (besides just using Lewis and Clark).

  3. Thanks Brandy!
    Ginny- I feel I modified it slightly, because I understood the assignment to be writing a lesson for what was presented to us. But I also added different features to my lesson. Working in groups and having one recorder and then how they are sharing the information.
