Friday, March 10, 2017

Week 7 Assignment # 5

This week I was able to sit with two different 2nd grade students from the class that I am observing. I was unable to work with just one student because of timing.

Print Awareness:
I followed along with the assignment that was posted on the ReadingRockets website, with a few minor adjustments, particularly the vocabulary, because of the time constraints. We used a book that was suggested by the classroom teacher. North Country Night, by Daniel San Souci
Student 1 was able to:
1.     Tell me what an author and illustrator does
2.     She knew how to read the story; start with cover, left to right, ending with the back of the book
3.     She was able to identify all aspects of the book; but struggled to remember that the name of the book was called the title.
4.     We took turned reading the book. After each page we would discuss what had happened, what the images represented, and discussed words that she had not seen before. We used contextual clues to help decipher them. 
5.     She was able to retell the story, but was unable to describe the meaning of the story.
From this observation I was able to determine that this student is well versed in print awareness.

Phonological Awareness:
With student 1, we used the same book, North Country Night, by Daniel San Souci. We counted sentences on each page, noticing that each page had between 2-5 sentences. We then moved to counting words in each sentence, which were between 5-15 words. Finally, we focused on just 2 pages to count the syllables in each word. Student 1 had no trouble counting syllables with familiar words, however when we came to unfamiliar words (words that we defined together during the Print Awareness section), the student began to struggle and we stopped.
For additional help the student could visit the following site to practice their syllables.

I worked with student 2 for this section. I used flashcards provided by the classroom teacher to review words that the student was struggling with. The student was struggling with their sh, ch, th, and wh. For additional help the student can visit the following site to practice:

With student 2, I preformed a running record, using a book suggested by the classroom teacher. It took the student 3 minutes and 17 seconds to complete the running record, which included 234 words of the book. The student was able to read 71WPM according the running record scoring sheet provided. Also according the to provided scoring sheet, this student would receive a score of 3 for fluency: Reads primarily in larger, meaningful phrases or word groups; mostly smooth, expressive interpretation and pausing guided author’s meaning and punctuation; appropriate stress and rate with only a few slowdowns. The running record was provided by Fountas & Pinnell.
The fluency site that I found offers a verity of different ways to practice skills.


  1. I really like the site you provided for practice with phonics. It seems like a great fit for the student you worked with, but also in general it is a good resource to have for phonics skills.

  2. 3 minutes to complete a 234 word book isn't bad, quite impressive if you ask me considering that the student was able to read 71 words per minute in the fluency portion of the assignment.


    1. Earl- When the classroom teacher asked how the student did, she was surprised and happy. She could tell the student had been practicing on her own. If I get to work this student again I'm hoping to try a high level book.

  3. It's great that you go to do all of the parts with your students as well as the assessments such as the running record and print awareness. I like the websites you choose for the students to use. They are great resources and have so many helpful aspects.

    1. Thank you..... I try to really see where the student is struggling because it's so easy to really miss the student's weakness, and struggles.

  4. Sounds like you did a very thorough assessment. Thank you for the helpful websites. A lot of the schools I sub out use F&P assessments but I have never seen them in practice.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Kylie, you did a great job! It's cool that you could sit with 2 students, actually. I think the digraphs website that you suggested is very good. Adding to my favorites.

  6. The websites that you used are great.... My daughter at her old school used starfall, and we had an account and they used to use it for certain homework assignments. Great Job!
